It feels surreal to write this, but I just graduated from Harvard! After four long, eventful, difficult, and incredible years, I received my diploma in May. Hopefully, it will take me less than four years to frame it and hang it on a wall.
My graduation means exciting things for this website too. I now have more time on my hands and more topics to write about. Soon, I will start reflecting on my journey now that it’s over and I can see it as a whole. Over the years, I’ve met incredible people whom I want to interview for this blog. Additionally, I plan to write about topics requested by Harvard applicants over the years (you can submit comments or requests here).
Most importantly, I want to write about a topic less talked about: What I don’t like about Harvard. It’s easy to forget that behind the glam and prestige, there’s a lot wrong with Harvard. It’s easier for some students than others to fully enjoy all that the institution has to offer. As a first-generation international student, I often felt like some doors were closed for me. For people dreaming about attending the almighty Harvard, it’s important to understand the downsides, and I would feel incomplete if I didn’t address these issues on the blog.
My Latest News
Aside from graduating, I’ve had some other exciting news. When I applied to Harvard, one of my most helpful tools was the 50 Successful Harvard Essays book. Now, I’m so excited to tell you that in the latest edition published last month, my essay is included!
After graduation, I moved to Finland, and I hope to move to another country in Europe next year. I just love Europe too much to stay in the US, but I might plan to go back in the future. I’ve been catching up with friends and family, and a couple of weeks ago I was happy to contribute to Anh Tu’s podcast, When in Finland.